It’s been a while.

I’m tired. Weary, if you will.

I haven’t had a lot of words to write over the past year, but billions in my brain. I wanted to spew everything, but yet didn’t want to talk about it.

Nine months into quarantine and working from home and crazy kiddos who don’t remember what normal is but they know they miss their friends and going places. Nine months into online grocery orders and drive-thru pick-ups and trying to read emotions through eyes while the rest of the non-verbals are hidden behind masks. Nine months into “Oh hi, nice to see y…never mind, we can’t shake hands. Or hug. How about an ankle bump or a wave instead?” Nine months of special occasions and holidays shared over online meeting platforms, instead of potlucks and hugs. I miss hugs. And did I mention the toilet paper?

Almost everyone has been in the same boat the last few months, and that rarely happens.

In the past eleven months, I lost one of my closest friends to cancer, we lost my husband’s grandfather, and we’ve had lots of life transition, apart from Covid. There is a vaccine, but it will take time for those who need it to receive it.

It has been a season of drought.

One thing I’m doing to work through the drought is focusing on things I have learned over the last several months. Honestly, some of the most profound life lessons I have learned have come during lockdown. Without Covid, I wouldn’t have clarity in so many areas. There has been a massive shift in priorities, dreams and goals. Our family is closer. Learning is happening. And we still get to do hugs.

I’m thankful. We’re surviving. Almost thriving. In spite of.

Funny how things work.

It’s a good reminder that things aren’t always good or bad…they just are. It’s what you do with them that counts. Covid is bad. That’s not in debate. But we’re all here. Now what?

Photo graciously provided by Unsplash contributor Dan Gold. Thanks.
