Hello, I'm Jessica -- writer, reader, thinker, learner, dreamer, poet, observer. I'm also a wife and mom in awe of Grace trying to live authentically and intentionally.
Thanks for stopping by! Sit a spell. Let’s be intentional together. Imperfections and all, you are welcome here.
Like, dreams of someday getting a new car or new furniture feel fairly safe, but what about big dreams? Really big dreams. Things you aren’t quite sure you even deserve…hello, Imposter Syndrome.
Today I have been the mean mom, the tired mom, the overwhelmed mom, the anxious mom, the impatient mom, and the want-to-turn-in-my-mom-card mom.
I’m sitting here, two kids way past done with potty training, and I’m crying over diapers.
This is such a weird time. Social What?? Sheltering-in-Place? No TP left? Hand sanitizer a thing of the past? Everything is closed?
Guess what? Not all is lost.
tipping point/ (ˈtɪpɪŋ) / noun: the crisis stage in a process, when a significant change takes place (courtesy Dictionary.com)
I’m teaching myself how to play the guitar. Don’t get me wrong, I have no illusions that I’ll front a grammy-winning rock band anytime in the future. I just want to be able to play some chords along with songs I like.
Once upon a time, I was at work and had to pee.