
in * ten * tion  | \in- ‘ten(t)-shən  \
Definition of intention
1: a determination to act in a certain way : RESOLVE
(courtesy of merriam-webster.com)

Hi. I’m Jessica. I’d like to explain how this blog came to be.

I’m not a counselor, doctor, therapist, nor will I pretend to be any kind of expert in anything. What I am is a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser who knows what it’s like to be stuck. To feel like you’re just spinning your wheels as the days all mesh together into one meaningless blur of someday.

I didn’t like where my life was headed. I was routinely paralyzed by Fear and felt drained, unhealthy, unfulfilled, and if I can be honest, kind of pathetic. Feeling like I had no control left me feeling even more ashamed of and disappointed in myself. I would get overwhelmed by choices, and decide not to do anything, out of fear of making the wrong decision. I didn’t love myself. Let me tell you, that’s no way to live. It’s a vicious cycle, and it is exhausting—I like to call it being in a funk or a rut. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

So how do you get out of a funk? With Graceful Intention, that’s how. The only way to reach my goals, become the person I want to be, and love the face looking out at me from the mirror is to live intentionally – with a whole lot of Grace, because let’s face it, nobody’s perfect. It’s taking one small step at a time and choosing to put one foot in front of the other when you just want to quit and go back to the status quo. I’m choosing to tell Fear to take a hike, and to make at least one intentional choice a day to move in the direction I want to go.

The path won’t be easy, and it won’t be straight, but it will eventually get me where I need to be. This website is part of my life journey, spoken out loud with brutal honesty. Join me in my journey; I hope it will encourage you and let you know that you’re not alone. And I hope you’ll come alongside me and begin your own grace-full, intentional journey right now. Let’s find someday together, now. It’s only one, little first step. Let’s walk together.

You are Beloved. There is always hope, and each day is a new day. You can do this; I believe in you, and I’m right here with you.