
Hello there. I’m Jessica. I have been observing human nature, analyzing behavior and emotions, and writing and editing things my whole life — stories, poetry, essays, music — basically whatever wild idea I have at the moment, I put it on paper.

I’m a wife and a former-stay-at-home-now-working mom with a bachelor’s degree in music education and an MBA (at my husband’s crazy suggestion). I am a lifelong musician, dividing my free time between playing the piano and singing. I have been a department director leading committees with Ph.D.s, have wiped snotty noses and tiny bums, and everything in between.

I have experienced love, loss, exhilaration, debilitation, true friendship, hard times, grace, and redemption. I have been stuck in a rut, and I have grown personally beyond my wildest dreams. It is the dichotomies of life that fascinate me, as well as what life looks like in the gray in-between.

I love to express my feelings with words, and I love to connect those words with the feelings of other people. Literature and music bring people together in so many ways, and I believe that through these mediums, we can find harmony and work toward peace.

Be kind to yourself and to others. Grace is real. In the end, Love wins.