Letter to My Children – What I Want You to Know

I wrote this letter a couple months prior to having my second child.

My precious children,

Life is full of choices. Things do not happen for an unknown reason. Things happen because of our decisions—not because of luck, and not because you or anyone else is entitled to anything. You can only control your own choices, not those of others. Good things are earned and should be celebrated; they happen as a result of hard work, determination, and perseverance. Perfection is impossible; excellence is not. Bad things happen, but even then, life is still good and lessons can be learned.

The right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing. Listen to your instincts, and listen to your heart, but don’t forget to also listen to your head. Keep an open mind but think critically; it’s ok to change your opinion. It’s ok to be wrong and to admit it. Two very important words are: I’m sorry. And do the right thing, not the easy thing.

It’s ok to let your heart break for someone else’s pain. It’s ok to be angry, but let that anger motivate you to a positive change of action. It’s ok to hate, but don’t hate people; hate injustice, and do something to try to correct it. It’s ok to love, even when it hurts. And sometimes, it’s ok to walk away. Oftentimes the best things in life are the hardest and take the most work. But I promise you, it will be worth it, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the moment.

Be brave. Push past Fear. Hold your head high. Never give up. Work hard. Rest well. Take care of your body, mind, and soul. Set healthy boundaries. Diligently seek Truth. Believe in God and in his Love, even when theology doesn’t make sense. Be the best YOU—not anyone else—that you can be. Your uniqueness makes the world a better place.

Let your thoughts and actions be guided by Love. Be kind. Every life has value, and every person has something to offer. Live authentically. Give generously. Love lavishly. Cherish. Never give up hope. Find the humor and beauty in each situation. Find the good and be the good.

Give grace. Receive grace. Never stop learning and never stop growing. Most importantly, never stop caring.

And never forget: You are capable. You are worthy. And you are loved.

Love always,

